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Battle Reports
News from the Eastern Front!!! Date: Aug2000 *Upon acquiring some Allied Lend lease aircraft the AAA and friends entered the Eastern Front to attempt a suicide mission against German bases occupied by the 7th NJG. Three flights consisting of 1 bomber and escort, 1 bomber, and 2 intercept/recon aircraft departed for their various targets. The recon flight approached Teuplitz in search of enemy "radar" installations. These two Beautfighters were jumped and taken out by two unknown ME410's. The first bomber flight (no escorts!) bombed Alteno and turned for home. Unfortunately another ME410 collided with this bomber. The second bomber and escort were attacked by two more ME410's. The escort beautfighter managed to down one of the attackers, the bomber bombed his target and turned for home. Unfortunately this bomber suffered the same fate as the first and was destroyed by collision with enemy aircraft. The final escort limped home, regrettably after a hard and long flight, he encountered the remaining enemy aircraft upon final approach. As soon as our pilots walk home, we will be attempting another attack. Please goto CFSIP for more details and join in on the fun! Eastern Front 2 - Aug 27 2000 Allies Report Well after an aborted flight due to weather, the attack got off from Malsow. Numerous fighters were out of action due to lack of spair parts, so the bombers took off with light escort. My flight was changed and i was sent to sneak into berlin at low alt alone, in the hopes that i could get in undetected. I was picked up 12 miles from Berlin , fighters came from the east , possibly based at east berlin airfield. After turn into target dropped 40 250lbs bombs over central berlin in a delayed train, some secondarys seen, possibly cars and trucks as i was at 180 ft! Made best time back to base and after many gun attacks by the 2 109`s the elevator was shot up bad. I ordered crew to bail out and jumped myself, the plane crashed about 15 miles from Berlin and i and my crew started to walk out. We found a barn to hide in and will head out in a stolden truck at dark,wish us luck,Mars. Axis Report I was assigned a Ju-188E and ordered to proceed from Alteno to Bomb Malsow, the source of the previous attack on our airfields. Ice was scheduled to fly as my cover, but had unexpected problems with his aircraft. Uhu_Strahlninja was then assigned to accompany me to Malsow. We departed Alteno at low altitude, on course to Gross Leisen, our only waypoint on the way to Malsow. Only a few miles out from Alteno, I picked up a visual on two aircraft manuevering at our 12 o'clock position, I later found out that this was two BF109G's that were on a combat air patrol of the area. Shortly therafter, StrahlNinja reported a visual on two targets in the vicinity of Gross Leisen, at high altitude. I released him to gain altitude and I continued at tree-top level. The bandits apeared on my radar! I was concerned that this was an allied patrol! The contacts merged with that of StrahlNinja and continued westbound, either not detecting me or ignoring me as I continued towards Gross Leisen and eventually Malsow. There was no resitance at Malsow, but I continued to hear radio chatter about the pusuit of a Bomber and escort in the vicinity. My escort was no where in sight as I dropped my bombs and turned toward Welzow, now 50+ miles distant. I heard that he was being pursued by enemy fighter(s). The flight back to Welzow was uneventful until about 20 miles from home---the sickening thump-thump-thump as machine gun fire hit the Junkers!!! An enemy spitfire had snuck up on my six, a spot on the tactical that is blocked by the cockpit frame!!! The gunner reported that the rear guns were frozen and could not be aimed! I had no choice but to try to aim the tail of the 188 at the attacker and spray him with bullets! In the mean time I was radioing for help from the combat air patrol. A second target appeared on my tactical, more machine gun hits--my right engine began to smoke. A different sound now though, the sound of cannons! It was a friendly taking on the spit! By radio I heard it was Uhu_StrahlNinja. He reported he was out of ammo, but came back in to worry the attacker some more! By this time the Junkers was very badly damaged....the spit was closing again, and the airfield at Tueplitz was in sight....Should I set down short of my goal? About that time the attacker veered off, apparently to engage StrahlNinja. This gave me the time I needed to continue to Welzow and land, although the aircraft was too badly damaged to taxi off the runway. Reports from other sections indicate that both Goeritz and Malso were hit, with the loss of 1 Bf109G to a mid air collision, and one to a landing accidient on returning to Welzow. All other aircraft returned safely if not in perfect condition. Unfortunatley, both Welzow and Alteno suffered more damage from Allied bombs and there was a report of a single allied aircraft over Berlin which was dispatched immediately. When will this foolishness end? I long for the beaches of Italy.....enough snow!!!!! Hauptmann MAINEiac NJG7 Revenge - September 17, 2000 After taking off from Cherbourg with attack flight (RCAF_Ranger, RCAF_Wonky, RCAF_ailero, RCAF_Rocket, and I) lead by AAA_Mars, we headed to secure the airspace over the target. AAA_Psob remained behind as a Ground Radar Unit. RCAF_Bones(bomber) and RCAF_SRFX(escort) took off from Manston on an alternate heading. Enroute to our target, some of our attack group spotted "UFO's"(possible bogies) and proceeded to intercept. Since I had a late takeoff I had to keep the pedal to the medal in an attempt to catch the attack flight. I proceeded directly to Cherbourg and then Azeville to land and become another Ground Radar Unit. RCAF Ailero followed, and provided air support while I setup the radar. At this point most of attack flight had given up on the possible bogies and returned to their original heading of Cherbourg. AAA_Psob shut down his radar unit and took off to patrol for bandits. My ground radar unit now functioning I reported to attack flight on location of 3 enemy aircraft (MRC_WW, Uhu_Ice, and Uhu_Sthralninja), in the vicinity of our target. Unfortunately across the radio came grave news! Our bomber and escort collided somewhere enroute to the target! Now heres where it get confusing! AAA_Mars began to engage the 3 bandits somewhere near Cherbourg. I believe he did damage to most if not all, but we did lose 2 or 3 of our aircraft in the melee! I shut down my radar unit and joined RCAF_ailero to join AAA_Mars at Cherbourg. AAA_Mars now landed and became the Ground ATC. He directed us toward 3 aircraft(Uhu_Maineac, Uhu_Donervogel, and 352nd_Baz) Unfortunately they were on the return from their successful bombing of Portsmouth! Not listening to my flight commander (AAA_Mars) I gave up altitude for speed in an attempt to intercept the bomber!(bonehead move on my part!) In my haste to kill the bomber, Uhu_Manieac was able to catch me twice and light me up pretty good. After a good while I finally engaged the bomber. I was able to get in a few hits, by this time RCAF_Ailero and AAA_Mars had caught us and entered the fray. My P51d was on its last breath, I had very little ammo, and I burned up the motor trying to outrun Uhu_Manieac and catch the bomber. Still I was able to wheel the injured craft around for one last shot, KABOOM!!!!, I had just suffered a collision with Uhu_Maineac! RCAF_ailero also now was very low on ammo, so it was up to AAA_Mars to save the day! (Again!-you go boy!) AAA_Mars then proceeded to take out the bomber, he was successful and we the allies thought we might at least tie this round. Across the Radio came more Bad News; there was another Axis bomber! Uhu_Donnervogel was flying a BF110! and even worse AAA_Mars and RCAF_ailero collided! Now the only aircraft flying was Uhu_Donnervogel and his aircraft was in excellent shape! Scratch another one up for the axis! Wow what a run, I know I missed some pilots names but with all the action it was hard to keep track! If anyone would like to add to this please email me and I will correct the Historical Record! I would also like to see an Axis Report! I believe we had as many as 19 pilots taking part in this scenario! Again please forgive me if I left a pilot out of this account! See yall next week at the Axis-Allied Bomber Bash using the newest scenery from Uhu_Berserker and Franz_von_Baron! We will not be defeated!!!! hehehehehehehehehehe AAA_leadsled reporting........ |
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